Meet my five wacky wifeys.
Tengok tu semua bini chek, dah beeesau satu satu ( siak je bukan *toot* yang besar). I mean all grown up to be working ladies. Its been awhile I get to hang out with them since I cut down on my dance activities last year.


So apa lagi kitani kalau dah kumpul, semua hot story keluar. Gossip pasal hang lah gossip pasal chek nye kawan lah... ah kau dosa tu dosa, tapi takpe once awhile letak ketepi pun alrite. Kalau chek nye bini yang tudung tu dah on apa lagi kan? LOL. Tapi actually bukan setakat gossip aje, ada jugak yang kasi advices on each of our weak points on our working life, relationship and etc.

Whatever it is, I do had a wonderful time chilling with you ladies.
We got to do it some other time again yah?
And hahaha....
I felt like a charming prince being surround by beautiful ladies that night!
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